My grandpa passed away last week. My mom and aunts are in Malaysia together. Yesterday, they had the memorial service. I'm sad that I wasn't able to go. People have been asking me how I feel and if I need anything, but I'm fine. I cried when I first heard the news that he had died, but I know he's in a better place now where his brain isn't dying anymore. He developed Alzheimer's after a stroke a few years ago. It was hard seeing/hearing my mom cry about him forgetting who she is. My grandpa lived with my family the longest when I was growing up, as opposed to living with his other daughters. As a result, I was able to get to know him well. He used to jog some 6 miles every morning before the sun came up, drink a giant bowl of water, and then teach me how to stretch properly after exercising. He used to play Chinese music really loudly in his room while reading Chinese newspapers. I remember that he had built this chair in his room, where he could lift up the ...