1. What did you do in 2010 that you'd never done before? Shoveled snow, ate a live octopus, met a celebrity (Ted Mosby from HIMYM), partied as hard as I did for my quarter century birthday, lived in Manhattan, wrote a thesis, graduated from NYU, landed my first real job, was a bridesmaid, caught the bouquet, turned Mac 2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I didn’t make any for 2010, but I will make some for 2011-- eat right, exercise, floss more, and quit saying, “I hate…” 3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Nope, not this year 4. Did anyone close to you die? No, thank heavens 5. What countries did you visit? I didn’t leave the country, but hopefully that changes next year! I want to travel more. 6. What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010? Stability in life 7. What date(s) from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? February 17 through April 4, and December 16, because I never in...