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Showing posts from 2011

In 2011

1. What did you do in 2011 that you'd never done before? Move to the South Bay (San Jose), live with 3 boys, lease a car, drive fearlessly all around the Bay Area, work in clinical research, lose my job, not know what I want to do with my life, learn to knit, learn to play the guitar, take yoga classes, fill shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child 2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Unfortunately, I did not keep my resolutions, because I was lazy and apathetic. My resolutions for next year are to eat right and exercise. I am the heaviest I’ve ever been, and it’s unacceptable. 3. Did anyone close to you give birth? No 4. Did anyone close to you die? No 5. What countries did you visit? I did not :( 6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011? A stable job and relationship 7. What date(s) from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? I don’t have specific dates, b...

Quality Over Quantity

I am back from New York! Overall, it was a pretty good trip. I got to spend Christmas with family, which was the main point of my visit. I had really good, deep conversations with my aunt about work, relationships, and life in general. She shares a lot of valuable advice and life stories that my mom is not able to provide, because my aunt dated more, married later, had difficulty finding jobs before, and worked different positions throughout her career; basically, she has many relevant experiences that I can learn from in my particular situation at the moment. I   love  that my mom has four sisters, each of whom I consider another mom, and I'm very close to all of them! I also got to spend time with my cousin, who, although is ten years younger than me, shares with me a remarkable number of similar interests. We watched   Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol   in IMAX on Christmas morning! It was awesome. I was so nervous throughout the entire movie! I was literally ...

New York

I'm in New York! It feels good to be back, like I've finally come home after being on vacation for a long time. I arrived a few days ago, and while I had been looking forward to this trip, it wasn't until I saw the bright city lights from the plane as we were making our final descent into JFK, that I began to breath deeply with giddiness. Mark picked me up from the airport, and I spent the night in Brooklyn sleeping in my old room upstairs in his house. Everything was so familiar--the furniture, the smell, the whole feel--and I loved it! That night, however, I had the most difficult time falling asleep. Not only was my internal clock still on Pacific time, but from the back of my mind, memories of S came rushing back as soon as I stared around the bedroom. It all seems like another life ago. I was so happy then. On Thursday afternoon, I went to visit Mark at work. It was my first time visiting the UWS Apple store. It's huge! Mark and I got lunch during his break, and...

All Things In One

What have I been up to? Home: Living in the South Bay has been a pretty good experience. I didn't think I would like it (compared to the city) or get used to driving, but I very much enjoy speeding down the freeway and listening to the radio every day. Traffic is almost always terrible when I'm on the road, but it's expected. The wonderful part is that I have a lovely place to call home. I look forward to spending time with my house mates, even if it means listening to the three of them play games next to me while I'm text-twisting on my laptop. There are so many different ethnic restaurants around the area. The other night, I had some pretty delicious Malaysian cuisine. It reminded me of my aunt next door in Tucson, and how much I miss her (and her cooking). Work: Many people know from my status updates on Facebook, and a select few have heard the long, agonizing stories of how frustrating it has been at work for the past month. Recruitment for our study has bee...