this past month has been a long and frustrating waiting game for me. i've been patiently checking the mail every morning in hopes of receiving news from schools. after the interview at rutgers, the only letters i've been getting are the kind that come in small envelopes. the first one was bearable; however, after a while, each rejection was a blow to my confidence. i knew getting into grad school was going to be competitive, but i wasn't prepared for the continual disappointment.
so you can imagine my state of ecstasy when i opened the mailbox this afternoon and stared at the large envelope laying inside. in that moment, the only disappointment i felt was that it was 2:30 in the morning in malaysia, and my parents couldn't share my joy.

God truly makes all things beautiful in his time. his time. not mine. why is it such a hard lesson for me to learn? new york city, here i come!
so you can imagine my state of ecstasy when i opened the mailbox this afternoon and stared at the large envelope laying inside. in that moment, the only disappointment i felt was that it was 2:30 in the morning in malaysia, and my parents couldn't share my joy.

God truly makes all things beautiful in his time. his time. not mine. why is it such a hard lesson for me to learn? new york city, here i come!
I'm so super duper happy for you!!!!!!
As expected of course, of Miss Tiffany Wang, extraordinaire of the exceptional. :)