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Saying Goodbye

i'm sitting in the middle of my bed. it's really comfortable, definitely a lot bigger than my twin mattress. my arms and legs are tired from unpacking, but before i sleep, i wanted to write a little something. around 8pm this evening, we finally pulled into the drive way and opened the door to an extremely excited cody. the ride from norcal was pretty smooth, save the first day when it was raining really hard. yesterday, we spent the night in diamond bar, because 15 hours of straight driving would be too tough on my brother, especially when my mom still has jetlag, and neither of them want me behind the wheel. that reminds me, i going to need to start driving again. yikes. anyway, most of my belongings are put away now, but a lot of my clothes and books are still scattered around the floor, because i don't have any bookshelves or even a dresser at the moment. right now, tucson isn't too different from the bay area in terms of weather. according to my desktop widget, it's actually below 40 tonight. i'm looking around, and the sad part is, i keep thinking that i'll be back in berkeley after new years. things will probably change when i hear back from schools. once i know where i'll be in a few months, i know my attitude will be more positive.

my last few days in berkeley were spent packing, saying goodbye to people, and taking mental pictures of the bay bridge against a moonlit san francisco. there were farewell dinners, one on sunday night actually, with a few people from my small group and also some from crossroads. it was really nice to be with both college and post-college friends at the same time, knowing that each of them has touched my life in one way or another at cfc. the night before, i had dinner with jeff. it was a lot more emotional than i thought it would be. when he gave me a hug, he also reminded me that the last time we had hugged was senior prom. i also had my last hurrah with the family, aka some of my freshmen year floormates. we went ice skating at embarcadero center. it was so much fun! i had forgotten how much i liked skating, even though it's tough to get started. once i got the hang of it again, i wished the rink were bigger and less crowded. afterwards we got yummy hot drinks at starbucks. it's too bad my camera decided to die when i was making my last memories in california. it would have been nice to take pictures when the five of us were scrambling around on the ice.

sandy, i will miss you. thank you for ender's game. thank you for the christmas present. thank you for the email, and thank you so much for changing my life. it's not just for good, it's also for the better.

nobody said it was easy. no one ever said it would be so hard.


Ming said…
so ur back in t-town already? Did you guys pick up tracy's stuff from Ben? Better get league pass at your place to keep you company....
maybe re-finding old friends back at home is just what you need right now. i know that's what I need. :) see you ... maybe tomorrow?! sunday?!
Sandy said…
I miss you too. I'm glad you're home safe and relaxing. The room looks so different now that you're gone. I've been keeping busy with work and sort of re-decorating. I'll show you when I'm done. Until then, post often so I can see how you're doing, ok?

ina bean said…
hey tiff, i'll send you my pics from sunday when i get my camera battery charger from berkeley (i can't believe i left it at my apt!). i'm glad i got to see you before you left! :)
dewinsunshine said…
"It's something unpredictable but in the end is right- I hope you had the time of your life."

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