What top memories stand out?
The year started in AZ with my extended families after Sean and Jeannette’s wedding. My aunt and uncle made delicious buns and foods for us every day and night. I suffered from pneumonia in late January and recovered around my birthday. Henry turned 3 at home. We spent Valentine’s Day at Nation’s. Jubilee went to her first Disney On Ice show with Bella. In the spring, Chris and I took the kids to Japan and Taiwan for two weeks. It was our first international trip as a family. It was wonderful – so much good food, fun, and time with my parents. TeamLab in Tokyo was particularly unforgettable. Upon return, Jubilee had her first choir concert, and she graduated from kindergarten in May! Chris and I recreated the iconic photo of walking down Eleventh Street on July 4, this time holding hands with our children. We took family photos with my parents and with my brother and family. Also in the summer, Chris purchased family season passes for Great America, and that was exciting for the water park with friends and repeated visits through the rest of the year. In September, Jubilee started doing gymnastics, and I started weightlifting. It’s been fun and very challenging. I went to a couple of concerts with Bebe (SF Symphony and Chanticleer), which was special one-on-one time for us. As the weather got colder, Chris and I celebrated our wedding anniversary. Henry suffered a bad injury when Jubilee dropped a brick on his hand and tore off his index fingernail. The kids trick-or-treated in Fremont this Halloween, instead of going to Castro Valley. We spent the holidays in Sacramento with Chris’s family, his dad going through the painful thick of things with a recent cancer diagnosis. The year closed with Jubilee turning 7, her first birthday party with friends in the books. And the four of us counted down the end of December and 2024 with a long, fun day at CuriOdyssey.
How did I maintain my most valuable relationships?
Near daily texts with F5, weekly hangouts with our church and small group, several video calls throughout the week with my mom and dad, nightly conversations to unwind with Chris
Who did I get to know, and who did I miss?
I got to know the parents (mostly moms) of Jubilee and Henry’s classmates. It’s been fun to expand our friendships and have more opportunities to get the kids out with playdates.
What life or home changes happened?
Jubilee started after-school care with the Boys and Girls Club on her school campus, so instead of coming home everyday around 2p, she stays until 5. It took her a few weeks to get used to being at school for significantly longer, but she really likes it now. This has helped my work schedule tremendously instead of stressing about picking her up on time in the middle of the day. Another change is that I got rid of our formal dining table and moved my piano there instead. The living room right when you come in through the front door is now a seating area with more play space.
What were the highs and lows of my marriage?
Countless small moments build into the strong marriage that we have together. I catch myself feeling so much love for Chris when he’s being a great dad or loving partner, and I try to let him know when I feel those things, so he realizes it’s often I’m proud of being his wife and the mother of his kids. I honestly can’t think of lows. Were there low moments? I mean, realistically yes, but I cannot recall them.
What were the highs and lows of parenthood?
I love feeling super proud of my kids. Jubilee’s kindergarten graduation was a huge milestone! She is currently thriving in First Grade, and her love for art and gymnastics continue to grow. Henry is (finally) speaking clearly and in full sentences. Sometimes he amazes me by the words he says or the complex sentence structures he uses, because not that long ago he was still mumbling incoherently. Their performances on stage always make me beam – Jubilee with her choir concerts, and Henry with his Christmas performance. Of course, we had our share of scolding, screaming, time-outs, and tantrums, but for the most part, they’re such good kids with excellent temperaments and personalities.
Who made me proud?
Jubilee for graduating Kindergarten! Sandy and Phong for buying their home! Abraham for being super uncle/babysitter/friend in my family’s time of need!
What challenges did I face?
Getting over pneumonia was painful and difficult. I don’t think I’ve ever been that sick before, and I needed to call for help.
What were my biggest work accomplishments?
Work was super busy as usual. I juggled several proposals, and toward the end of the year, took over for Berkeley when she started her maternity leave. I traveled a few times and started building rapport with some of the customer counterparts on the UAE contract.
How did I celebrate my birthday?
I celebrated at home while getting over pneumonia. Sandy stopped by with Boudin’s and cake, and we sang to me and Henry both!
How did I celebrate my family’s birthdays?
Henry celebrated his third birthday at home with family. He got some bubbles and monster trucks. Little boys are so easy to please. Chris celebrated in his usual way at Nations with a big French toast breakfast and pie. He’s also easy to please. And Jubilee had a first real birthday party at home to celebrate turning 7! She invited three friends to come over and decorate cookies that I baked the night before. Chris ordered pizza per Jubilee’s request of Dominos, and he also bought a bunch of Kuromi balloons and cake toppers to surprise her. I got her this cute, soft axolotl night light.
How did I celebrate my wedding anniversary?
Chris and I went to Maestro’s in Valley Fair. It was fancy and candle-lit. He got the steak; I got the sea bass, and we toasted to a wonderful year 9.
How did I celebrate the holidays?
For both Thanksgiving and Christmas, we did our new tradition of spending the day and one night in Sacramento with Chris’s parents. The holidays this year was rough, because Chris’s dad has been diagnosed with stomach cancer. On Thanksgiving we went to visit him in the hospital, since he was getting a feeding tube inserted into his side. Then on Christmas, even though he was able to spend it at home, he couldn’t eat anything except for the required sludge to put into the feeding tube. Poor guy is still waiting to hear about his treatment plan and prognosis.
What did I experience for the first time?
Bubbly breathing from fluid-filled lungs, the level of (nearly hysterical) fear at Henry’s finger injury, the feel of a successful snatch and clean & jerk, taking my littles on an international flight, and bringing my own kid to LM’s Young Minds at Work Day!
Where did I travel?
Tokyo and Taipei and some rural attractions in the middle of Taiwan
Which moments brought me joy?
LOL when Henry wore his Minion’s shoes that are WAY too small for him, so it looks like he’s got hooves or he’s wearing heels
Which moments made me cry?
Oops, I had another fight with my mom over their visit in the summer
What was the best thing I purchased?
We got solar panels!
What were my favorite books?
Shadows of the Workhouse, Yellowface, Iron Flame, Making It So, Symphony of Secrets, Mr. Mercedes, Finders Keepers, End of Watch, The Outsider
What were my favorite movies?
Welcome to Marwen, Doctor Sleep, On the Basis of Sex, Gran Turismo, Everything Everywhere All At Once, The Super Mario Bros Movie
What were my favorite series?
BBO S12, Nobody Wants This, Call the Midwife S13, A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder, All The Light We Cannot See, The Sex Life of College Girls
What were my favorite music?
Ghibli sleep music, Phil Wickham
What were my favorite games?
Candy Crush. But I also hate this game. I can’t stop myself.
How did I grow spiritually?
I started the Bible Recap at the end of August, and I’m so proud to say I’m going strong. It’s been great! I listen to the reading after dropping off Henry every day, and then the recap video is so helpful to acknowledge the day’s passages, specifically where God is and what his attributes are in the verses I just read. It’s particularly helpful in the books and chapters that I used to find boring, like Leviticus and Numbers. Nowadays, I look forward to my Bible Recap time, and I get excited to share with Chris the things I’ve learned.
What life lessons did I learn?
I’ve been hit with the very sober realization that our parents are getting older and entering a stage in life where things shutting down may mean they’re not starting back up again. It’s scary and it’s sad, and it’s giving me perspective that life’s too short to fight over stupid things. It’s more important to spend time together and extend extra grace when and where I can.
What character traits did I develop or improve?
My patience and love for my in-laws has grown, partially because they have been more accommodating as well, not sure if it’s because they’re just too old to be as irritating, but also because they’ve struggled a lot this year with the cancer and hospital visits and family drama. Since I can’t change what’s going on, I can change my attitude to be a positive haven for them when need a break from all the bad news.
What am I looking forward to in the next year?
All the milestones – I’m going to be 40! Chris and I are going to be married for 10 years! Our dads are turning 70!
What fears do I have for the next year?
The state of our country. I’m not even going to stress myself out by getting into the details here, but I pray that we come out of this fire alive, and that the next administration will serve to unite rather than divide, to (re)build instead of dismantle.
What aspirations do I hope for the next year?
I really want to take the kids to Disneyland again. It’s also celebrating its 70th anniversary!